The soil permeability characteristics of waste rock hill is studied.
Four main vegetation types, which are Picea crassifolia,Sabina przewalskii,bushes and pastureland ,whose soil permeability function was analyzed from angle of its physics,capacity of water, storing water in it .
从土壤物理性质、蓄水量、贮水量等角度对祁连山苔藓云杉林、祁连圆柏林、亚高山灌丛林、牧坡草地 4种主要植被类型的土壤渗透功能进行分析 ,结果表明 :土壤的渗透功能主要由土壤非毛管孔隙度的质和量决定的 ,苔藓云杉林土壤非毛管孔隙度的质和量最好 ,它的渗透功能也最好 ;虽然亚高山灌丛林的渗透功能次之 ,但由于它自身的特点 ,蓄水性能最好 ,又加之面最大 ,因此 ,贮水量也最大。
The soil permeability characteristics of shelter forest in silting coastal area is studied.
探讨了淤泥质海岸防护林土壤的渗透特性 ,指出同一林分土壤渗透速率差异较大 ,不同样地间土壤渗透速率的差异也十分显著。
Experimental study on the soil infiltration characteristics at the area of the Three Gorges reservoir;
Soil infiltration of stormwater runoff in residential quarter;
In this paper a soil infiltration and recovery simulation model of bioretention trough was constructed by using evaporation,transpiration and gravity flow as the soil recovery mechanisms.
The study on the soil infiltration under different main vegetation types in Anji County of Zhejiang Province showed that the characteristics of soil infiltration differed significantly with land use type,and the test eight vegetation types could be classified into four groups,based on soil infiltration capability.
An experiment of leaching saline-sodic soil with brackish water was conducted for analysis of changes in physical and chemical properties of the soil,such as soil infiltration,bulk density,salt and alkali content,etc.
Water absorption capacity of ground cover, soil physical properties and soil infiltration etc.
:对临朐县冶源镇侧柏、火炬树、侧柏火炬树混交林的地被物持水能力、土壤物理性质 ,土壤渗透性等测定 ,研究了三种林分的涵养水源功能。
Many researchers are making their all efforts to search ways to improve soil penetrability.
简要介绍了细颗粒泥沙絮凝 -分散对土壤渗透性、土壤可蚀性以及污染物迁移的影响 ,以期有效防治水土流失和由此带来的非点源污染。
Experimental Study on Permeability of Unsaturated Soil and Mechanism of Saturation Infiltration;
Effects of Different Operations and Management Modes on Soil Water Holding Capacities and Infiltration Characteristics in Phyllostachys edulis Forests
A Review on Effect of Entrapped Air on Soil Permeability
Soil Permeability Capability of Subalpine Coniferous Forests in Western Sichuan,China
Study on Soil Permeability of Platycladus orientalis Plantation in Northern Mountains of Lanzhou City
Soil Infiltration Characteristics and Its Influencing Factors under Phyllostachys edulis Forests in Northern Fujian Province
Effects under Conservation Tillage System on Soil Water Infiltration Characteristics in Semi-arid Area of the West Loess Plateau;
The capcities of soil infiltration in Bahia grass( Paspalum notatum), Eremochloa ophiurbides and contrast areas were tested.
When the rain has all soaked in, the fields will be ready for the seeds.
underground water that is held in the soil and in pervious rocks.
The Research of the Toxic and Harmful Substances Infiltrating in the Soil;
Study on Different Forest Soil Permeability in Dry Season Miaogou Forest Area
Effect of SSA soil stabilizer on compaction,shear strength and permeability characteristics of loess
A porous soil
Water-holding capacities and infiltration characteristics of soil with major forest types in the south of Liupan Mountain,Northwest China
Comparison of Water Conversation and Permeable Capacity in Three Subalpine Forest Soils in the Upper Min River
Change of Osmotica in Oat Leaf under Soil Moisture Stress
Analysis of Phthalates(PAEs) in Soil Using GC/MS Coupled with Accelerated Solvent Extraction and Gel Permeation Chromatographic Purification
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