The mating behavior and ability of the black cutworm moth,Agrotis ypsilon;
EAG response of the male black cutworm moth,Agrotis ypsilon (Rottemberg) (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) to the female s sex pheromone;
Isolation and identification of Bacillus thuringiensis strains toxic to Agrotis ypsilon;
Experiment on Control of Agrotis ypsilon Rottemberg in Tobacco Field with Beauveria bassiana;
A Study on Forecasting Model of PPR on Damage Level of First Generation of Agrotis ypsilon Rottemberg;
Field trials were conducted to validate the efficacy of 10% diazinon GR agaist Agrotis ypsilon rottemberg fed on Waxy Corn.
为验证10%二嗪磷颗粒剂防治地下害虫的效果,确定最佳剂量,进行了糯玉米地块防治小地老虎的田间药效试验,结果表明:10%二嗪磷颗粒剂对小地老虎的最佳用量为400~500 g/667 m2,药后7 d的防效达到89%左右,21 d时防效达到100%,具有较好的速效性和持效性。
This dissertation point out the matter about the development of mechanization of farming in the range of small plot at present.
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