The early Early Permian smaller foraminiferal fauna first discovered and described in this paper was collected at Hucun of Ninghua County, Fujian Province.
本文报道的福建宁化湖村早二叠世早期与 Staffella共生的小有孔虫动物群 ,在福建地区还属首次发现。
Based on the vertical distribution of the smaller foraminiferal faunas,the Early Middle Permian foraminifer bearing limestone may be divided into five smaller foraminiferal assemblages:Globivalvulina Nodosaria assemblage,Geinitzina Pachyphloia assemblage,Langella Pseudoglandulina assemblage,Hemigordius qinglongensis Gribrogenerina celebrata assemblage and Hemigordiopsis Hemigordi.
福建下一中二叠统地层发育良好、序列清楚 ,与类共生的小有孔虫动物群计有 2 4属 94种 ,其中新种 3个 。
Community structure of soil meso-and micro-fauna in different habitats of urbanized region
Dynamic of Soil Mesofauna Communities in Different Vegetation Succession Stages in Songnen Grassland;
Community structure of soil mesofauna under different land use patterns in purple soil hilly area of Sichuan Basin
Influence of microhabitat to community structure of soil macrofauna in karst rocky desertification
The Research of Soil Animal Community with Different Land Uses in Urban Ecosystem;
Study on the Communities Structure of Soil Animals in Different Greenland Types of Baoding;
Research on soil faunal community composition and structure in the Gaoligong Mountains National Nature Reserve
Microbial Community Distribution in Different Water-stable Aggregate;
Study on the Features of Soil Animals Community in the Ecotone of Grassland and Farmland in the Middle Area of Inner Mongolia;
Effect of Polarity Reversal of Electric Field on Soil Microbial Community
Community structure of soil macrofauna under different land-use systems in the purple hilly areas of Sichuan Basin
Study on Characteristics of Soil Fauna Community and Their Function in Litter Decomposition in Leymus Chinensis Steppe, Songnen Plain;
Small-middle size soil animals belong to 5 phylum,6 class,9 order,7 famility. The dominant groups is Nematoda.
中小型土壤动物5 门6 纲9 目7 科,优势类群为线虫。
Determination of soil meso-and microfauna biomass
Community Structure and Dynamics of Soil Animal in Green Belt Litter from Two Soil Origin in Urban City
The Quantitative Study of Soil Animal Community in Plastic Glasshouse;
The Influence of Vegetable Farming Plastic Greenhouse on Soil Animal Community
Soil Fauna Diversity of the Rape(Brassica napus) Land in the Suburb of Chengdu City
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