Taking advantage of the flexible property of PE material, forced demoulding was conducted from both up and down and the core_pulling system was in the fixed half.
详细介绍了汽车后视镜框零件的特点 ,利用PE材料质软易变形的特性 ,上下强行脱模 ,定模抽芯 ,并阐述了模具设计的特点及工作过程。
By means of forced fixing measure and reasonable welding procedure,the distortion can be controlled within the scope of technical requirements.
It is a common principle in all countries that juristic acts that violate jus cogens are invalid.
In international commercial arbitrations,it is still controversial in theory whether to apply or consider the relevant jus cogens(peremptory norm) that is not subject to the disposition of the contracting parties.
norms of jus cogens and norms of jus dispositivum in a state of continental legal system which follows the legal tradition of ancient Roman Law.
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