This paper discusses on how to train the aggressive defense technique and the application of this training methods of the basketball player.
On UN Security Council s dominant power of decision on identifying the behavior of aggression;
\ The aggression of the capital imperialism inflenced profoundly the development of the modern China s society.
Because of Japanese plundering and ruling, this kind of trade relation fully embodied an economic aggression to Shanghai from Japan.
Japan started its invasion into Taiwan in 1874.
18 74年日本对我国台湾的侵略是日本侵华的开端。
Sino-Russian Four Li Loan Agreemen t and Documents of Statement in 1895,as two major events in history of Sino-Russian ec onomic relations,marked the formal change of the Russian eco-nomic invasion to China.
The Abridgment and Distortion of Chinese Textbooks during Japanese Invasion of China;
This article mainly discusses that “what is environmental security” and the character of environmental security, the prevention of the environmental invasion, and environment security is increasingly important in international security.
本文主要阐述了生态安全的概念以及特点 ,生态侵略和生态安全在国际安全中的突显 ,以及我们如何去应对生态安全中的挑战。
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