Buck s humanitarianism from the influence of her parents, of her ed.
Is the Inhumanity Enough Account to Abolish the Capital Punishment?;
The penalty is a country s response to the crime,be supposed take to the human nature respect as a starting point,take the humanity spirit as the instruction,causes the criminal law to become one art which makes the human to do good deeds.
,a harmonious relationship between the physical use of human capital and humanity.
Because liberty that is the essential principle of humanitarian is an ultimate condition for self- realization and society progress.
They involve maintaining social justice,seeking humanism and promoting harmonious development between social members.
Sartre argues that "Existence precedes essence",and advocates that existentialism is really humanism.
Xu was eager to seek humanism, but ran up against obstacles frequently in his real life.
Written around Mencius life doctrines,this paper introduces Mencius philosophy of life and also its modern enlightenments.
Human-orientedness is the ethics for the logical starting point of ideological and political education;humanitarianism is the ethics for value guidance of ideological and political education;humanism is the ethics for operational conditions of ideological and political education.
However it s been changed in modern age, with the progress of the social material civilization and the spiritual civilization, to the penalty rationality of cognitive of turn continuously and deeply and the influence of the humanitarianism spirit, people have a doubt to the rationality of death penalty, and carry on to this problem thorou.
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