This study tests the hypothesis that retinoic acid not only cause the craniofacial malformations, but also cause malformation of the glands related to neural crest-the thymus, the parathyroids and the thyroid in rat fetuses prenatally exposed to retinoid.
Analysis of T cells subsets in neuromyelitis optica;
Diagnostic value of visual evoked potential and MRI in neuromyelitis optica;
Clinical observation of high-dose mythlprednisone on neuromyelitis optica;
Synaptic connections of the slow adapting lingual afferent terminals in the principal trigeminal nucleus and nucleus of spinal trigeminal tract in cats;
Calbindin D-28k-containing neurons receiving visceral and somatic nociceptive information in interstitial nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract project to the parabrachial nuclei in the rat;
大鼠三叉神经脊束间质核接受内脏和躯体伤害性信息的calbindin D-28k神经元向臂旁核的投射
AIM: To investigate the projection of the calbindin D 28k (CB) containing neurons that receive orofacial deep structures (masseter muscles) nociceptive information from the interstitial nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract (INⅤ) directly to nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS).
目的 :探讨三叉神经脊束间质核 (INⅤ )内接受口面部深层结构 (咬肌 )伤害性信息的calbindinD 2 8k(CB)神经元是否投射到孤束核 (NTS) 。
In order to investigate whether neurons containing CB in the interstitial nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract (INV) receive the orofacial somatic nociceptive information and transmit it to nucleus of the solitary tract(NTS), the triple-labeled method of FG retrograde tracing combined with FOS and CB protein immunofluorescence histochemistry was used.
为探讨三叉神经脊束间质核内的 calbindin D-2 8k神经元是否接受并传递面口部躯体伤害性信息到孤束核 ,本研究应用荧光金逆行束路追踪结合 FOS和 calbindin D-2 8k免疫荧光组织化学技术 ,观察了三叉神经脊束间质核的 calbindin D-2 8k和FOS双重免疫反应阳性的神经元向孤束核的投射。
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