The comparison of phonetic transcription between Chinese and the typical Jingxi dialect in this region shows the general law of errors of the initials and finals of syllables in learning Putonghua in the region.
将该区中具有代表性的靖西话的拼音方案与汉语拼音方案作对比 ,可找出桂西南南壮方言区学习普通话的声韵失误的一般规律。
The investigation of the pronunciations of those new loan-words from Chinese into the typical Jingxi dialect in this region shows the general law of errors of the initials and finals of syllables in learning Putonghua in the region.
通过考察该区中具有代表性的靖西话的汉语新借词读音 ,可找出桂西南南壮方言区学习普通话声韵失误的一般规律。
The crambo in chemical experiment operation was compiled.
编写了基础化学实验的操作韵语之二 :试样溶解、沉淀及重量分析操作、p H计及其使用、光度计及其使用等等。
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