There are two key factors in the reformed plan of Shanghai Tiedao University(STU), one is the proportion between teachers and students, the other is the structure of teacing faculty.
The speciality of teaching subject and the mutual activity between teachers and students are the two logic start point when we analyse the problem of teaching subject in colleges.
:教学主体的特定规定性与师生互动 ,是把握大学教学主体问题的两个逻辑起点。
They should make use of their own advantages,establish themselves in the transition from satisfaction service to knowledge service,and provide better and higher-level knowledge service for great many readers of teachers and students.
Idea Innovation Calls for New Role Orientaion of Teacher and Student;
The develoopment of modern distance education has added chance and selection to member of social receive higher education,education environment which all locality and interaction exchange is convenient o exchange between teacher and student, it create condition for new relation about setting up equality, democratic and harmonious between teacher and student.
现代远程教育的发展增加了社会成员接受高等教育和选择的机会 ,全方位、互动交流的教育环境便利了师生之间的交流 ,为建立平等、民主、和谐的新型师生关系创造了条件。
The mental health education model of normal university students is a pattern which shows the idea and goal orientation of mental health education model,and it promotes its function operation.
As would-be teachers, normal university students shoulder the heavy civil responsibility of a new generation.
The studies on occupation quality of teachers give the information about the operational definition and dimensions of work temperament of normal university students.
气质影响人的工作绩效 ;从教师职业素质出发提出高师生职业气质的操作性定义和维度构想 ;并通过问卷调查形成正式的高师生职业气质问卷。
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