This paper inquires into the physical mechanism of having humidity feeling and explains the appearance of common humidity feeling.
Analysing collected data, finds that chillness-tolerance of females is poorer than that of males, that the predicted effect of thermal sensation is not accurate by predicted mean vote (PMV) index, that evaluation on humidity sensation for males and females is almost the same except in a low-temperature environment where females are .
Inspection and Debate on Problems Concerning the Meaning of "Jiao"and the Wordforming of "Shuijiao;
On Yun Daiying and his educational thought of conscience;
a sense of sight [ hearing, smell, taste, touch ]
视觉[听觉, 嗅觉, 味觉, 触觉]
perceptional intuitionalism
知觉直觉说 知觉直觉说
hallucination of perception
知觉性幻觉 知觉性幻觉
The five senses are sight,hearing,smell,taste,and touch.
sensory (e.g. related to smell, touch, taste, sight, hearing);
feels, sounds, smells or tastes.
"We have five senses, namely, senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch."
an intuitive feeling, approach, assessment, etc
直觉的感觉、 直觉的态度、 直觉的评价.
Memory is the sense of sight, hearing, feeling and taste.
Any of the various types of sensation, such as vision or hearing.
3. 100 people choke to death on pens each year. One is more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a spider.
死的时候各种感觉消失的速度:触觉>嗅觉>味觉>视觉>听觉 依次消失
resonance theory of hearing
听觉共鸣说 听觉共鸣说
telephone theory of hearing
听觉电话说 听觉电话说
frequency theory of hearing
听觉频率论 听觉频率论
perceived light source color
可觉光源色 可觉光源色
recognize or detect by or as if by smelling.
Go to bed, go to bed.
A sensation, stimulation, or perception of the sense of smell.
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