Levels of Reality in the Scientific Context and Their Transformation;
Yin-yang throry and the implication of reality in Zhouyi;
This paper discusses the conceptions of complex reality in views in recent complexity research on which philosophical views of basic are realism about both "structure-relation", "condition-process ", and "history-context".
Simple concept"and "duologue"are theoretical elements that express basic explanation relation on science explain substance.
“简单概念”和“对话”是表达科学对实在的基本解释关系的理论要素 ,构成科学的一种进化机制 。
Geography s substance doesn t consist of pure space factors, this space still hides some features which we haven t known to this day.
地理学所研究的“实在”并非由单纯的“空间”要素构成,这个“空间”仍潜藏着迄今人们尚不清楚的某些特征-“规律”产生于人们对“现实”和“实在”的认识,后者规定前者- 讨论中,本文提出首先应当建立一个与世界“真实性”这一哲学问题相关的地理学的“实在”的概念,并且要遵从它- 只有这样,地理学才能获得理性的进步和实质性发展
Research on Virtual Reality and Scientific Research Organization Virtualization;
Virtual reality includes technical?artistic and philosophical significance.
The virtual reality technology shows its various qualities which the former mediums have not.
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