It originates from the Chinese food distribution system which later transferred to literary style.
在对学术史上各种解说予以澄清的基础上指出 :诗从手从足 ,它的本源是中国文明最古老的食物分配制度 ,并进一步讨论了它从一种社会分配制度转换为一种文学体裁的历史演变环节。
Taking the grassland agro-system to insure food security;
Study on the relation between the bound moisture and the internal heat caused by food;
Cluster Analysis on the Classification of Nutritive Value in 20 Foods;
The relations between some essential elements and Hypertesion,and trace elements in some foods and Chinese medicine which can reduce Hypertesion are illustrated in the paper.
In the new century, foods support capability is a hot point of the world, especially by the year 2030 when population of China will reach peak value of 1 6 billion.
随着社会经济的发展 ,人民生活水平的提高 ,人均食物需求的量与质越来越高。
Food consumption,growth and activity of digestive enzymes of Catantops pinguis (Stl) fed on different diets under three temperatures;
A Dietary Shift in Sichuan Snub-nosed Monkeys;
Metabolic Impacts of Different Dietetic Glycemic Indexes on Diabetes Mellitus Patients;
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