On isomerization of retinal portion in rhodopsin;
The proton transfers among Asp85, Asp212, water and retinal were analyzed through the change of separation distance.
A series of structural changes triggered when absorption of light energy caused isomerization of bacteriorhodopsin s bound retinal,and protons were transported from the inside of the cell to the out side medium and thereby converted light energy into chemical energy which enables the halobacterium to survive.
细菌视紫红质(Bacteriorhodopsin,或bR)是盐生嗜盐菌(Halobacterium salinarium)等细菌的跨膜蛋白质,其色基视黄醛的光致异构化作用触发细菌视紫红质的一系列结构变化,把质子从细胞质泵到细胞外空间。
The contents of carotenoids and retinol in milk were investigated by HPLC from 3th month to 10th month.
The stability of all-trans retinol (vitamin A alcohol) was studied in O/W, W/O.
The retinene is prepared by selective oxidation form vitamin-A that is obtained by phase transfer catalyst hydrolysis of vitamin-A acetate.
以饲料级维生素 A 醋酸酯为原料,通过提纯、相转移催化水解和选择性氧化得到视黄醛;对苯二胺与对苯二甲酰氯反应,合成了端基为伯胺基团的聚酰胺,当反应起始温度为-10℃,单体对苯二胺与对苯二甲酰氯的投料比为1。
The effect of retinoic acid on the cardiac ventricle-atria diversification in zebrafish;
Retinoic acid inhibits tumor necrosis factor-α induced injury in human lung epithelial cells;
Apoptosis of MCF-7 cells induced by retinoic acid and fusion gene of Fas/RARα;
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