Exploring visuospatial ability in chemistry learning;
Gender is one of the most important factors which influences individual cognitive level, and visuospatial ability has been regarded as a cognitive one which has the most significant gender differences.
By using clinical interview, this study investigated mathematical problem solvin g,visual-spatial representations, and spatial visualization ability among 30 children with learning disabilities(MD) and 31 children without MD.
采用临床访谈的方法 ,考察了 3 0名数学学习不良 (MD)儿童和 3 1名一般儿童的数学问题解决、视觉 -空间表征策略和空间视觉化能力。
Study on Gender Differences of Visuospatial Ability of Chemical Learning in Senior High School;
Twenty-five normal subjects were selected as a control group.
An Experimental Study on the Relationships between Visuospatial Ability and Working Memory Span of College Students;
Convert the Sense of Vision and Establish the Space-level;
转换视觉 确立平面——论素描教学中空间思维能力的培养
They also do equally well at programming a computer, which is neither visual nor spatial.
The Study on the Relationship among Numerosity Estimation, Counting Ability, and Visual-Spatial Cognitive Ability in Young Children Aged 3-6
Research on the Application of Visual Representation in Developing Pre-school Children s Visual and Spatial Intelligence;
visual spatial disorientation
Engineering is both visual and spatial, and it's true that there are relatively few women engineers.
only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us.
visual literacy
视觉认识能力, 直观力
Our sense of sight enables us to locate objects in space; Can you locate China on the map?
Sense of Reality of TV News and Visual Space;
This essay gives an explanation of Total Page Visual Language mainly in three aspects: Firstly, apply visual elements to express news information.
第三章“视觉元素空间表现力分析”。 论证视觉元素如何通过版面的结合来传播信息。
Use colorific feature ably, the Gao Kuan that can create a vacuum makes the adjustment on the vision greatly.
A Study of the Neural Mechamism of Visuospatial Neglect and Pseudoneglect;
Recognition and Processing in Chinese Reading Disorder Children:An Eye-Movement Study;
Simulation Analysis of Space Surveillance Performance of Multi-static Radar System
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