Case supervision interferes with realizing the purpose of the judicial supervision of the People s Congress and pertinent constitutional principle.
Efficient case supervision refers to securing the unity of supervisory content, form and effect.
This paper indicates that case supervision isn t to be consistent with original intention of justice by studying the cause for the system.
On the Political Resource and Strategy of Local People Congresses Implementing Individual Case Supervision;
Study on Individual Case Supervision——and on the Reasonable Orientation of NPC s Supervision over Trial;
However,if such system is over strengthened,it is likely to fall into a difficult position of individual case supervision.
The supervision over the specific cases by People s Congress is the necessary and effective means to realize the judicial justice in the current judicial system and the judicial situation.
While with judicial organs’ independently handling cases, care must be taken to carry out the principle of exercisingauthority, concrete case supervision work by the National People’s Congress should be done conscientiously.
:人大个案监督是我国打击司法腐败 ,促进司法公正的客观现实需要 ,是人大监督工作的新发展。
To explore how to combine nursing education with clinical nursing, the authors describe several surgical nursing cases in surgical nursing teaching.
介绍了护理个案的编写、教学 ;分析了护理评估、护理诊断 /问题、预期目标和护理措施的教学方法和注意点 ;指出个案练习能培养学生专业化的思维方式 ,使学生习惯于按护理程序模式进行护理 ,有利于学生批判性思维能力的发展 ,强化学生整体护理能
Supervision on the Judicatory by People s Congress: From Individual Case Supervision to Similar Case Supervision;
Study on Individual Case Supervision--and on the Reasonable Orientation of NPC s Supervision over Trial;
On dealing with the relations of concrete case supervision by the regional people s congress;
The analysis on a few problems about"individual case s supervision" of People s Congress;
Theoretical Foundation and Principle of National People s Congress Supervising Power on Individual Case;
Supervision of the National People s Congress over a Particular Case --from the Perspective of Justice Administration;
A Survey of Present Situation in “Individual Case Supervision” and Current Debates on the Issue;
This paper expounds scientifically on the performance of case supervision and coordination of each part based on the necessity and reasonableness of supervision on a case.
On the People s Congress Case Supervision--taking the rationality and the validity as an angle of view;
On the Political Resource and Strategy of Local People Congresses Implementing Individual Case Supervision;
On the People s Congress Supervision and the Justice of the Court;
The supervision on a case has definite evidence of law and plays a key role in the judicial process positively.
Cases rise to the thought of the supervision of administrative rights by civil rights through using the internet
The Improvement of Supervision and Control Mechanisms in Village Self-government:Shandong Province for Example
Programme Management Oversight Committee
One Case Research of Problem and Countermeasure of Course Set-up of Technical Supervision Specialty of the Sichuan Province Technical Supervision School;
System of Constitutional Inspection and Its Perfection--Thought about the omission of the system of constitutiona linspection in the draft of Inspection Law;
The Prosecutorial Supervision on the Filing of Private Prosecution Cases;
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