Sima Qian s academic success and great personality set up a glorious example in the compilation of historical literature in the light of naive materialism and dialectics .
司马迁学术成功之路与伟大人格 ,在历史文献编纂方面的首创精神和在文献编纂指导思想方面坚持朴素唯物论与辩证法 ,堪为档案工作者的光辉典
From their attitude towards the physical experiment,we can notice on one hand the struggle between materialism and idealism,and on the other hand we can see more clearly that only by upholding materialism and putting the physical experiment in the first place can we obtain real knowledge, sum up the physical laws and raise these laws to the level of theory.
从物理学史上的 3位伟人 :亚里士多德、伽利略、牛顿对待物理实验的态度 ,我们一方面可以看到唯物论与唯心论的斗争 ;另一方面可更清楚地看到只有坚持唯物论 ,把物理实验放在第 1位 ,才能获得真知 ,总结出规律 ,上升为理论 ,并推动物理学的发展。
The philosophical connotation of Mao Zedong s thought of the united front includes philosophy of materialism which is more down to earth,the epistemology of the unity of knowledge and practice,the dialectic method of analysis of seeking common ground while accepting the existing differences.
the dialectical materialist theory of knowledge
Such is the whole of the dialectical-materialist theory of knowledge, and such is the dialectical-materialist theory of the unity of knowing and doing.
Idealism is opposite to materialism.
Western Scientific Marxism and Recent Rationalism;
debate on materialist dialectics
"No Superstition On Supervisors,Nor On Books,Merely On The Truth"--Chen Yun s Dialectical Materialist Methodology;
The Argument between Dialectical Materialism and Practical Materialism;
We are historical materialists, opposed to historical idealism.
This is a heated debate which involves materialist as opposed to idealist views.
On the Theoretical Contribution of Marxist Historical Materialism;
On the Inner Connection of Dialectical Materialist Theoretical System;
Its scientific methods are The Materialistic Dialectic and Historical Materialistic.
"Whether it is Hegel's idealism or Engels' materialism, they all converge at a common point."
He was an arrogant and cocksure materialist.
The Establishment of Precondition of Historical Materialism--On the Contribution of Germany Ideology to the Historical Materialism;
On the Basic Points of History Observation of the History Materialism--the Contribution of Historical Materialism in the German Ideology
Materialist Conception of History is Mark's New Materialism--Marx's Self-Orientation of Materialist Conception of History
The realism and nominalism of middle ages affected the traditional taxonomy with different modes.
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