High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Verapamil in Vitreous Body and Aqueous Humour;
Proteome Study of Differential Protein Expression in Acute Infracted Rat Heart after Verapamil Treatment;
Effect of verapamil on the thrombogenesis and nitric oxide level in the serum of rats;
Effect of verapamile on right ventricle function in ascitie broilers induced by low temperature;
Results: Antagonist of endothelin receptor (ETA and ETB) could suppress the effect of ET 1 on inhibiting testosterone secretion,but Verapamile,a calcium channel blocker,could not do so.
结果 :内皮素受体A(ETA)、内皮素受体B(ETB)受体拮抗剂均可逆转ET 1对大鼠离体间质细胞睾酮分泌的抑制作用 ,但Ca2 +通道阻滞剂维拉帕米 (VER)未表现此作用。
To determine the role of verapamile in induction of acute heart failure, Inj.
为证实维拉帕米用于急性心衰诱导的可行性 ,对杂种犬静点盐酸维拉帕米诱导心衰 ,并记录各项指标。
Effect of hyperphosphatemia on type IIa sodium-dependent phosphate cotransporter mRNA expression in the kidney of 5/6 nephrectomized rats and the interference of Renagel;
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