An Analysis of Communicative Conflicts in SLA Caused by Stereotype;
Therefore to improve their cross-cultural communication competence,the students should focus on profound culture in cross-cultural communication,such as values,stereotype and nonverbal behaviour,and compare their differences between China and Western countries.
Based on all these traditional research,the paper analyses the reasons of the stereotype and pragmatic failures from a related cognitive theory-image schema,so as to lead to a successful communication.
On the cultural stereotype in intercultural communication;
This paper first discusses the weakness of cultural stereotype as a concept and then attempts to analyze cultural stereotype on the basis of prototype theory.
The factors that contribute to the cultural stereotype include social and personal ones.
文化定势是一种不可避免的普遍现象 ,具有相对的稳定性和延续性。
In the face of preponderant culture,we must actively attract advanced culture coming from outside world with a correct attitude,and embody the character of containing of our national culture.
On the ways how to keep the diversity of the regional and cultural features in global strong culture
But in fact, it is a phenomenon evolved under a situation of post-colonism generated by intrusion of strong culture, although a change of values, but could be corrosive to national culture.
上海建筑的“欧陆风情”风 表面上看似与城市文脉有所联系、是一种后现代主义的创新,实际上,它是在后殖民主 义情势下 由强势文化入侵和价值观改变所产生的现象,是对民族丈化的一种侵蚀。
Such gap leads to the clash between strong culture and weak culture,the strong culture in the high position disgraces and assimilates the weak culture;we must pay attention to this bias and conflict in translation studies and promote the development of different kinds of cultures.
On Stereotype in Intercultural Communication from the Perspective of Image Schema;
A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Taboos and Euphemisms under Stereotype;
A New Perspective of Prototype Theory on the Reconstruction of Cultural Stereotype;
An Analysis of Communicative Conflicts in SLA Caused by Stereotype;
Viewing Paradox of Stereotype from the Perspective of Chinese Compliment Responses;
Shanghai College Students Perceptions of American College Students: The Role of Media, Stereotype and Perception in Intergroup Relations;
The Thinking of Chinese Culture Localization Ponder in Economical Globalization Situation;
A Multidimensional Perspective of Stereotyping in Intercultural Communication Research;
The Road to the standardization of Questioned Document Examination
Civilization is a certain phase and positive result of culture's developing. It trends to jump forward.
The Potensial Meaning of 《Dust Falls Down》: Antinomy of Reason and Emotion When Advanced Culture Collide with Weak Culture;
The Limitation and Weakening Tendency of the Economic Base sDecisive Function on the Development of Art;
The City Image of Macao:A View Based on the Advantages of Industries and Cultural Resources
On the Intercultural Pragmatic Differences and Stereotype:A Discourse Study of Thematic Structure in Communication
On Clash between Strong Culture and Weak Culture in Translation Studies;
Cultural superiority : the financial history and culture together.
Chinese Cultural Communication in the View of the Effect of Cultural Power;
Forging the Best Brands of Culture to Build a Stong Province in Culture;
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