The original is by means of draws the outline of his poetry creative work situation ,and begins with through his literature and art theory partial and living one s lot state,to introspenct in the way of.
本文通过勾勒他诗歌创作态势 ,从他文艺理论的偏颇和生存境遇的状况入手 ,对郭沫若诗歌道路进行反思。
The insufficiency of social responsibility,experience and latent intelligence as a humanities intellectual in particular,bring about the inevitable problems in the creation course such as creation ideas,the biased initiation thought,the blind-spotted concern for reality,the fabricated moral saving,as well as the limitatio.
On Marx s Philosophy s Deviation Nature about the Explanation of Historical Materialism;
Detecting Item Bias Against Examinees with High-or Low-Ambiguity Tolerance in a Proofreading Test;
A FACETS Analysis of Rater Bias in Measuring Chinese Students English Writing;
Bias in Modern Women's Appreciation of Health and Beauty and Their Choice of the Road to Fitness
Manly Woman" Phenomenon;
There is a sense of dignity and independence in writers of this school which prevents them from going out of their way to say things to shock people.
And the adulation of his admirers is perhaps no less capricious than the disparagement of his detractors
Cognitive style of Lishu nationality students are inclined to field-independent, Cognitive style of Nu and Jingpo nationalities students are inclined to field-dependent;
傈僳族学生的认知方式偏向于场独立性 ,怒族和景颇族学生的认知方式都偏向于场依存性 ;
In what respect do you think the film is biased?
spoke of proBity in the truest sense of the word.
An impartial investigation should always precede condemnation.
Skepticism is the antidote for the confirmation bias.
an appalling display of incompetence, prejudice, greed
极其无能、 偏颇、 贪婪的表现.
The viewpoint of the article is biased, You'd better revise it.
这篇文章的观点偏颇, 最好进一步修改。
In my opinion, both views are lop-sided.
The Existing Problems of Communicative Approach in College English Teaching in China;
Lu Xun and the Bible
去其偏颇 得其神明——鲁迅与《圣经》简论
affirmative action has been extremely controversial and was challenged in 1978 in the Bakke decision.
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