The results showed that the passively electrophysiological characteristics of SMC,such as the resting potential(RP),input resistance,could be recorded from the rat vas deferens.
The resting potential of amphibian cell can be affected by [ K+ ] in extracellular fluid it dropped while the [K+] rose.
Resting potential of the Dorsophila 3rd instar larvae is -53± 5mV.
In the present experiment, changes in compound action potentials of auditory nerve (CAP),cochlear microphonics (CM) and endocochlear potentials were observed when the calcium concentration of Perilymph was reduced by means of perilymph perfusion, with the aim of analyzing how calcium was involved.
The effect of various potassium-channel blockers, 4-aminopyridin (4--AP), tetraethylaminonium (TEA) and quinine, on the endocochlear potential(EP) was studiedin perfused guinea pig inner ears.
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