Concerning its structure, it is a kind of resembling-self thinking.
道德思维的特征在于 :从对思维对象的把握方式上看 ,它具有实践精神性 ,以“应该”或“不应该”善恶评价的方式进行 ;从结构形式来看 ,它是一种类我思维 ;从思维内容来看 ,它是一种利益行为思维 ;从心理机制上而言 ,它是一种情理交融式的思维。
Educational method of inverse thought in mathematical proof;
Based on the inverse thought,an approach is presented for the dimension synthesis of a 5-axis parallel machine tool to satisfy the requirements of workspace.
mathematics teaching inside exploitation can the inverse thought educate the student s inverse to face the thought ability,from but educate the vivid of the student s thought with face the thought from to inverse to face the thought s conversion ability.
On the training of converse thinking in the teaching of mathematical analysis;
Accurate allocation model of system reliability based on converse thinking
To suggest that the opportunity of breakthrough in science should be grasped, innovation thinking is needed, especially converse thinking, which can use not only in reverse vaccinology but also in functional genomics.
making suspene by disobeying regular regulations and using inverse thinking; 3.
而这一技巧的表达 ,主要有 7种方式 :一是利用“互相矛盾”的现象 ,制造标题的悬念 ;二是运用违反常理的手法 ,采用逆向思维 ,制造悬念 ;三是“映衬” ,制造悬念 ;四是利用比喻、比拟修辞手法 ,制造悬念 ;五是巧用标点符号 ,制造悬念 ;六是凭借设问 ,制造悬念 ;七是采取其他方式 ,制造悬
Inverse thinking is an important form in the course of thinking , This article gives some measures and advice on how to train the students inverse thinking in mathematics teaching, which is greatly helpful to the students.
逆向思维是思维过程中的一种重要形式,本文就在教学中应如何培养学生的逆向思维能力提出了一些见解及采 取的相应措施,对培养学生的逆向思维能力大有裨益。
It will play an important role in developing students’ intellegence and fostering students’ innovative concept to use inverse thinking in the teaching of higher Mathematics, such as using inverse reasoning thinking, indirect thinking, reduction to absurdity and taking opposite examples.
在高等数学教学中具体运用反推思考、间接思考、反证法和举反例等逆向思维方法 ,对发展学生智力、培养学生的创新思维能力具有重要的作用。
The thinking on the thought guide for geological prospecting;
The Fusion of Legal Culture and Self-Centred Thinking--The Adjustment and Fusion Between Chinese and Western outlook on Legal Value;
You will not convert us to your way of thinking.
Converse Thinking:Analysis of Foreign Trade Dispute s Active Effects to Our Country;
Rational Thinking:Thinking of Building a Harmonious Society-oriented;
Humanism Education: from Conceptual Reasoning to Non-conceptual Reasoning;
goal directed thinking
Successive Thought and Reverse Thought -Different Thought Patterns and Their Effects on Translation;
Professor Wang can think on his feet;he always has an answer ready when we ask him questions.
The Study on the Relationship between Leader s Thoughts and the Choices of Strategic Orientation of Chinese SMEs;
From "reality thought" to "ethics thought": an examination of the contemporariness of orientation of philosophical thought;
From“suddenenlightenment” to “subtle enlightenment”;
The “ Return " of Modern Cognitive Thinking to Dialectical Thinking --A Reconsideration of Cognitive Thinking and Dialectical Thinking;
Higher vocational fine arts teaching undertakes the important task of designing thinking from image thinking to logic thinking.
I can't think straight,ie logically.
Some New Fibers and the Developing Direction of Fibers in Our Country;
I am eager to prove to you my strong analytical skills, creative thinking and striking interpersonal skills.
Innovation of Thinking Ways and Taking Multiple Points of View--On the Construction of Advantages of Radio News
创新思维 多维取向——构建广播新闻宣传高地
The reverse thinking is the sign of looking into the dean decision-making oversight.
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