By a careful examination and a rational reconstruction,this paper shows the logical form and the weakness of Davidson s transcendental arguments.
The metaphysical exposition of time in the book of Critique of pure reason tells us that time is the a priori form of intuition;and the wholeness of transcendental argument about time means to manifest that time is the necessary prerequisite of phenomena.
It is a new task to restate the problems of contemporary analytic philosophy based on the approach of transcendental argumentation.
Based on this, he argues that Kant s apriorism is characteristic of pure formalism because it is not supported by any evidence or facts.
In his attempts to break through the limitations of Ding Wen jiangs sensationalism, Zhang Dong sun sets up the theory of pluralistic epistemology by supplementing empiricism with apriorism on the one hand and restricting apriorism with empiricism on the other.
张东荪试图突破丁文江唯觉主义的局限 ,一方面用先验论补充经验论 ,一方面用经验论限制先验论 ,建立了多元认识论学说。
Emile Durkheim s sociology is unique in the tradition of the whole western sociology as it is deeply rooted in Kant s philosophy of transcendentalism.
涂尔干有意识地在其社会学研究中贯彻了先验论的立场 ,在他看来康德问题的实质可以化为这样一个社会学主题 ,即社会与个人之关系 :一方面 ,社会本身如何是独立于个人、并与个人相对立的普遍性的实在 ;另一方面 ,社会又如何成为个人价值的源泉 ,如何能提供一种个人必须受到约束的道德法则。
It is not clear, then, that any modest transcendental argument really renders its target skepticism inert.
Is Conceptual Scheme Incoherent?--An Examination of Davidson s Transcendental Arguments;
System des transzendentalen Idealismus
Kant s Demonstration of Moral Law -- on the transcendental character of Kant s moral philosophy;
A blood test is required to get a marriage license.
The advance and feasibility of the new process has been proved by theory analysis( FEM) and the modeling test.
He argued that man was descended from apes.
advocate of Transcendentalism.
On the Character of Intellect and Dialectic of Kant s Transcendental Logic: The Theoritical Premise of Marx s Philosophy Revolution;
I believe that theories are prior to observations as well as to experiments.
Seeing the Theory of Congenital Comprehensive Estimation from Deduction of Congenital Experience;
The Party s Progress Originated from History and Tested by History;
The Project of Advanced Tecghnology Demonstration And The Method Of Management;
prove a theory by experiment
examine facts, a theory, evidence, etc
查验事实、 理论、 证据等
This is the experimental argument;
The experiment confirmed his theory.
On the Transcendental Tendency in Emile Durkheim s Sociology;
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