Curative Effect of Risperidone with BDZs in the Treatment of Excitement and Agitate with Schizophrenia in Acute Phase.;
From 18th century when Italian physililgist Galvani discovered bioelectric phenomenon to 20th century when Hodgkin brought up ion theory, the study of bioelectric phenomenon gradually develops in the process of studying essential features of life-excitation.
从18世纪意大利生理学家 Galvani 发现生物电现象到20世纪Hodgkin 提出离子学说,对生物电现象的研究是在研究生命的基本特征——兴奋性的过程中逐步展开的,生物电产生的机制主要是由于某些带电离子在细胞膜两侧不均衡分布及膜在不同情况下对这些离子的通透性发生改变而造成的。
This paper analyses propagating processes of excitation in the human heart proving that the propagation of excitation is of character of vector and presenting a new kind of algorithm of computer simulation.
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