Objective: To observe the influence of excising seminal vesicle on male SD rat′s sexual behavior and analyze the effect of secretory function of seminal vesicle on rat′s sexual function.
Clinical study of ulinastatin on inflammatory response in children undergoing open heart surgery with CPB: comparison with aprotinin;
Effect of growth hormone on inflammatory response of liver after cardiopulmonary bypass in rats;
Effect of ulinastatin on inflammatory responses induced by oesophagectomy;
Study on the relationship between complement activation and inflammatory reaction in tissues of the perihematoma in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage;
Study on the relationship of platelets activation and inflammatory reaction in hematoma at acute phase of intracerebral hemorrhage;
The role of adiponectin in the inflammatory reaction of cardiac syndrome X.;
Clinical Observation of Toxicity in the Treatment of Cisplatin with Bi-weekly High-dose Leucovorin and 5-fluorouracil 48-hours Continuous Infusion in Chemotherapy for Nasopharygeal Carcinoma;
Toxicity Reaction of Radix Angelicae sinensis, Rhixoma Curcumae,Rhizoma Corydalis and its Compatibility on Mice;
当归 莪术 延胡索及其配伍对小鼠的毒性反应
The Lack of Toxicity of Intravitreally Administered Triamcinolone Acetonide;
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