The Optimization of Isometric map in Game;
The Game between Square and Circle An Introduction to the Design Proposal for the Children’s Park in New Municipal and Cultural District Hefei;
方与圆的游戏 合肥政务文化新区儿童公园景观设计方案介绍
Shallow Talk on the Function of Game in the Athletics Lesson Teaching;
The Distance Between ‘Play and ‘Play ——from ideological play to chidren s experiential play;
Discussion on the reconstruction of play concept by Gadamer;
Recognition of the play function——the revelation from neuroscience;
Tile Elements Is Used in the Design of Flash Games;
Researching games’ Condition from Psychoanalysis angle view;
Bei Mei is third full- length novel of Sheag Keyi after Huo Zhai and $ hui Ru, it has received writer s consistent simple style,has portrayed Bei Meis character for us, it have been manifested from"the intuitive life" and" the recreational language", Former lets them experience the,Latter lets them grow in the life.
In this fiction, Wu Cheng-en called on individualistic heroism through recreational writing to break the idolatry, blaspheme gods and denounce the monarch on earth scathingly.
This is not only because playing games occupies the most of children s time,but because most of children s activities are conducted in the forms or state of mind of playing games.
游戏之所以是儿童的生活 ,这绝不仅仅是因为游戏的活动自然地占据了儿童大部分的活动时间 ,抑或儿童大部分活动的发生和进行都是以游戏的形式或心态。
As far as the intrinsic spirit of playing games is concerned, teaching can be carried out in playing games.
In essence, playing games is a kind of subject activity with the properties of spontaneousness, independence, illusion, experience and non-utility.
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