A summary about the success and problems of Big Bang model and the inflation models is also given.
The first impetus appeared as soon as Big Bang occurred.
The puzzle of the cosmic age is a long-standing key problem in big bang cosmology.
With Positivism thinking mode in Universe Research,human beings have already formed a Big Bang Theory.
The Presumption of Cosmic Explosion"and the Original Meaning of "Taoism"in Lao Zi;
A form of matter hypothesized by proponents of the big bang theory to have existed before the formation of the chemical elements.
big bang theory
ph.1. 宇宙"大爆炸"论
A picture of the origin of the universe that has much in its favor is the big bang theory.
The so called "Standard Cosmological Model" means the relativistic Hot Big, Bang theory, in which our expanding universe has been evolving from an extremely hot and dense state.
The “Singular Point” of Big Bang and the Origin of Cosmos Read 《A Brief History of
big bang hypothetical explosion that some scientists suggest caused the creation of the universe
The Main observed Facts of the Model of Big-Bang Cosmology and the Discussing
They'll show up as patterns in the cosmic microwave background (the fading glow from the Big Bang from the edge of the universe).
It is pointed out that the "cosmos" described by the theory of Big Bang is different from the infinite universe (cosmos).
Listen to the headlines: @Star War Tragedy. American Spaceship Challenger, Explodes 73 Seconds after Launch.
The crash was the highest-energy cosmic event known to have occurred since the Big Bang.
In cosmology he did his almost to advocate the “big bang” theory.
在宇宙学领域 ,由于他竭力倡导“大爆炸”学说而使这一概念广为人知 .
At the onset of Big Bang of our Universe, there should exist quantum fluctuations in the energy field;
Scientists believe the universe was born about thirteen-thousand-million years ago after a huge explosion of matter called the Big Bang.
Because gamma-ray bursts are the most powerful explosions in the universe since the big bang, astronomers can detect them at very great distances.
Professor Hawking's theory of "from the Big Bang to Black holes"predicts that the expanding universe must have a beginning and an end
Some theorize that a catastrophic cosmic explosion sent the infinite worlds spinning out into the vastness of the Great Dark - worlds that would one day bear life forms of wondrous and terrible diversity.
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