The system PBS buffer/antibody/PS constituted an electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor (EIS) structure,thus furnishing an impedance EIS nano-biosensor.
The progress of recent studies on the modification of nanocrystalline network semiconductor electrode, the properties of nanocrystalline network semiconductor electrode/electrolyte interface and the kinetics of heterogeneous photoinduced charge separation in the electrode/electrolyte interface are summarized.
本文对 Graetzel型 PEC中纳米晶半导体电极的表面修饰 ,纳米晶网络半导体电极 /溶液界面及界面电荷转移动力学特性方面的研究进行了综述 ,介绍了 Graetzel型PEC的结构组成及工作原理并对今后研究工作的重点提出一些建议。
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