Influence of Marangoni effect on film condensation inside a circular pipe;
The heat transfer characteristics of film condensation in ainless steel micro/mini tubes with inside diameters 289-997μm was investigated experimentally.
基于实验结果, 分析了换热温差、蒸汽进口雷诺数Rein和管径对管内膜状凝结换热系数的影响,发现温差对管内膜状凝结换热的影响很小, Nu随蒸汽进口雷诺数Rein增加而增大,随管径减小而降低,而对流换热系数随管径减小而显著增大。
When the boundary layer theory is used to study the film condensation on the vertical plate, the error was found much bigger in the case of middle or small figures of Re or on the front of the condensation field.
在用边界层理论研究竖壁膜状凝结理论时 ,发现中小雷诺数下以及凝结前沿区误差较大 。
Based on Darcy-Brinkman Model, a theoretical study of laminar film condensation on a vertical tube surface with thin porous coatings was carried on.
In order to study the influence of solid liquid interfacial energy on the filmwise condensation heat transfer performance, a correlation relating heat transfer coefficient with contact angle was derived with respect to liquid film flow and heat transfer at vapor liquid interface.
引 言冷凝有两种形态 :膜状冷凝和滴状冷凝 。
In order to study the influence of surface-free-energy difference of solid surface and condensate on the filmwise condensation heat transfer performance, a correlation of the condensation heat transfer coefficient with contact angle has been derived with respect to liquid film flow and heat transfer at vapor-liquid interface.
Nowadays, film condensation widely used in heat-exchange equipments in industry.
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Treated retinal detachment by transcleral cryosurgery combined with external scleral buckle
A Experimental Design Study of Steam Condensation on the Plastic Film Tube Surface
Experimental investigation of heat transfer of dropwise condensation on the PTFE surface
Hydrodynamics of Evaporating & Condensing Film under the Shearing Stress;
Study on the Recovery of Light Hydrocarbons from GTL Vent Gas by Membrane-Compression Condensation Hybrid Technology
Influence of Air-film Hole Shapes on Turbine Blade Air-film Cooling Effectiveness
Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation combined with retinal photocoagulation or cryocoagulation for the treatment of neovascular glaucoma
condenser air cooling
(空气冷却) 冷凝管
Effects of membrane separation on other systems in propylene recovery by compression/condensation/membrane separation process
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Nursing of the Patients with Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Treated by Scleral Buckling Surgery Combined with Scleral Freezing and Drainage
The Present and Clinical Practice of Non-valve Atrial Fibrillation in China
accumulating condenser
Experimental Research of Dopwise Condensation Heat Transfer Outside the Horizontal Tube Coated PTFE Film;
Research Progress and Problems of Heat Transfer of Dropwise Condensation
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