The distorted wave Born approximation with polarization and post-collisional interaction has been used to calculate the triple differential cross sections for low-energy electron impact ionization of the 3s orbital of argon in coplanar asymmetric geometry.
用包含极化效应和后碰撞作用的扭曲波玻恩近似计算共面不对称几何条件下A r 3s的低能(e,2e)三重微分截面,并与实验进行比较。
The triple differential cross sections for low-energy electron impact ionization of the 4s orbital of krypton have been calculated using the modified distorted wave Born approximation in coplanar symmetric energy-sharing geometry and compared with experimental results.
The inelastic scattering cross sections and angular distributions of discrete levels are calculated and analyzed by the distorted wave Born approximation theory based on the unified Hauser Feshbach theory and the exciton model.
利用这组光学模型势参数 ,扭曲波玻恩近似理论 ,核反应Hauser Feshbach理论和预平衡反应的激子模型 ,计算和分析了中子与1 1 6,1 1 8,1 2 0 ,1 2 2 ,1 2 4Sn反应分离能级的非弹性散射截面和角分布 。
The inelastic scattering angular distributions of discrete levels and double differential cross sections are calculated and analyzed by using the distorted wave Born approximation theory based on the unified Hauser Feshbach and the exciton model.
根据中子与天然Zr及其同位素反应的总截面 ,去弹截面和弹性散射角分布的实验数据 ,得到一组普适的光学模型势参数 ;应用得到的光学模型势参数 ,光学模型 ,Hauser Feshbach理论 ,预平衡反应的激子模型和扭曲波玻恩近似理论 ,系统计算和分析了中子与90 ,91,92 ,94 Zr反应的非弹散射角分布和双微分截面 ,理论结果与实验很好的一致 。
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