Using coincidence method, transit time spread (TTS) is measured with Cherenkov light produced by cascade γ radioactive source, 60Co on photocathode window of photomultiplier tube (PMT).
A method for measuring TTS of photomultiplier with Cherenkov lightproduced by direct gamma ray illumination on glass windowis presented and theexperi mental result for fine-mesh R5924 is given.
描述了一种利用伽马射线照射光阴极生成的切伦科夫光来测定光电倍增管渡越时间分散的实验方法,并利用这种方法测量了Hamamatsu R-5924光电倍增管的渡越时间分散。
An online beam spot diagnostic system for high current,short pulse electron beam based on Cerenkov radiation is introduced.
A new way in electron beam emittance measurement with Cerenkov radiation "double imaging" method is proposed in this paper.
利用切伦科夫辐射 ,OTR或荧光靶等光学诊断方法进行发射度测量 ,国内外绝大部分实验是用CCD相机观测电子束打靶产生的光斑 ,变化四极透镜的磁场梯度 ,应用“三梯度法”计算出发射度 。
Cherenkov radiation in a plasma-filled, dielectric coaxial waveguide;
Thin annular plasma Cherenkov maser;
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