We also analyze the influence of finesse,mode matching and stability of the F-P cavity on the optical heterodyne spectrum and frequency stability of laser.
The Effect of Acidity on UV Difference Spectra of HBED and EHPG;
The binding of Lu(Ⅲ) to HBED or EHPG were monitored by UV difference spectra in 0.
01mol·L-1Hepes及室温条件下,通过监测215~330nm范围内紫外差光谱的变化进行了Lu(Ⅲ)对N,N′ 二(2 羟苄基)乙二胺 N,N′ 二乙酸(HBED)、N,N′ 乙烯 二(2 羟基苄基)苷氨酸(EHPG)的滴定。
The UV difference spectra of Me 2SnCl 2 with apo-ovotransferrin were studied in 4 mmol/L NaH 2PO 4-100 mmol/L NaCl-25 mmol/L NaHCO 3 buffer solution(pH7.
4)和 2 98K条件下 ,用紫外差光谱研究了 Me2 Sn Cl2 与脱铁伴清蛋白的作用。
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