The important diversence theorem of electrognetic find stless tensor can be derived shoply if the four dimensional field stress and four dimenional Lorentz force are expressed with appropriate exterior differential forms.
This paper , through discussing the exterior differential of differential form, de-rives the representations of gradient,divergence,rotation and eaplacian in orthogonal curvi-linear coordinate system by means of exterior differential method.
Taking hamiltonian equations,conservative law and ca- nonical transformation as examples in the paper,the author proved that hamiltonian version and exterior differential version are equivalent.
Some characteristics and its applications of the exterior derivative and exterior algebra;
Some basic relations of hydrostatics were educed with character of exterior derivative.
并利用外微分的性质 ,导出了流体静力学的一些基本关
The neutrino equation under the Robertson Walker metrtic is given and separated by the exterior derivative,which provides a convenient tool for the study of the curved space spinor field.
Traditionally, the word wangliang has three different meanings: unsettledness, penumbra and elf.
The exterior differential form was pointed out to be the mathematical model of a lot of proposition in field theory.
Thenecessity and urgency were discussed that exterior differential form and some content of mordenmathematics were introduced in teaching.
This paper introduces the concept of Finslerian exterior differential form and two exterior differential operators dh,dv,which are different from the general theory of Cartan s.
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