The article mainly discusses the methods of using OSG as the tool to realize the standard transform of 3D objects in virtual scene,which puts the focus on the analysis of the problems and their reasons in transform processing.
From the aspect of the criterion transition theory,this paper gives a representation of fuzzy membership based on qualitative criterion transition:a criterion Tij in property topological space,assuming that R={(eik,eik+1],k=0,1,.
从基准变换角度,给出了一种基于定性基准变换的模糊隶属度表示法:在性质拓扑空间中进行的基准变换Tij,令区间域簇R={(eik,eik+1],k=0,1,…,n}为(0,1]上的一个划分,设性质Pi(x)的基准域簇为τi={Nik},映射Hλ:τi→R为基准变换的扰动系数映射,在扰动系数映射下可以构成集合套H:(0,1]→Nim,从而可以确定一个模糊集:A=∪λ∈(0,1]λTijH-1λ(λ),最后的隶属度的确定的数学表达为:μ(Pa(x))=sup{λ|Pa(x)→Tij H-1λ(λ),λ∈(0,1]}。
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