This paper reports the study of solid-solid phase transitions kinetics in bis(n-alkylammonium) tetrachlorozincate(II) and their binary system by using DSC technique.
Nonisothermal kinetics of solid-solid phase transitions in PEG/PAAm materials were investigated by DSC.
对聚乙二醇及五种相变材料分别进行不同速率的非等温DSC测试,采用K iss inger和O zaw a两种动力学模型研究了非等温固-固相变动力学,计算了固-固相变过程的活化能和反应级数,两种方法求得的表观活化能Ea值相一致。
Experimental data showed that solid-solid phase transitions occurs at 284.
Studies on Solid-Solid Phase Transitions of TAM, PE and TAM/PE by Infrared Spectroscopy at Various Temperatures;
The current situation in studies of solid-solid phase change materials(PCMs) for energy storage were discussed in this paper,and the classfication,characteristic of PCMs were described.
本文综述了固固相变贮能材料的研究现状 ,详细讨论了其分类、性能及优缺点 ,展望了该领域的研究发展前景。
The apparent solid-solid reaction between CaS and CaSO_4 started at 890 ℃ and ended at 1120 ℃.
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