Hart′s Refutation to Command Theory and His Theory of Legal Rule;
Legal Norm and Legal Rule——Comparison of Kelsen s Legal Concept and Hart s Legal Concept;
Hart s Critique on the Theory of Law as Coercive Orders:Discussion on the Feature of Coercion of Law;
This dissertation is an interpretation to a text of The Concept of Law by H.
2L Hartmann Bomb,analyzed the measurement data,and finally obtained the time-dependent curves of dust concentration at different heights in a 1.
2 L哈特曼管上不同位置高度的粉尘浓度随时间的变化曲线。
Joule heating effect in liquid metal Hartmann flow;
The author introduces and reviews the third edition of Hatje Lexikon der Architecktur des 20.
An Investigation of the Introduction of “Hartley” Walnut Variety;
Image processing of spherical-aberration automeasurement system based on Hartmann method;
Tomographic Reconstruction of Refractive Index Field Based on Hartmann Wavefront Sensing;
With Hartmann wave-front sensor and laser beam analyzer,the distributions of the near field wave front and far field intensity of the laser are got.
实验分别对 MOPA 系统的前端输出种子光及其经过一级、二级、三级放大后所得激光进行了测量,研究包括采用哈特曼波前传感器对激光近场波前的测量和采用激光光束分析仪对激光远场光强的测量两个方面,分别得出激光的近场相位均方根误差和不同光斑尺寸定义下的远场发散角等实验测量结果,将实验结果与系统设计值进行比较分析,从而对激光器系统输出激光作出评价。
In order to avoid the mutual interference of acoustic wave propagation, a coaxial cylinder is placed between the jet and the resonator of the Hartmann fluid acoustic generator, as well as an annulus fluid acoustic generator which can get higher power acoustic wave is developed.
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