The isotopic effects in the ir-multiphoton excitation of XY molecule;
Lie algebraic approach to multiphoton excitation of the linear triatomic molecule in intense laser fields;
Multiphoton Excitation of an Ozone Molecule in Laser Fields;
The Stimulation of Motivation in Physical Education Teaching for College Students;
On the Preconceptualization and Interest-stimulation in the Teaching of Physics;
The Issue of Recollection Stimulation in the Creation of Classical Chinese Poems;
The application of educational theory and educational practice simutanously can stimulate the students interests,develop the students activeness in study,and promot the educational efficiency,forster the educational result,it should be applied and promoted i.
激发学生求知欲是素质教育、创新教育的重要内容之一 ,本文研究激发学生求知欲对素质教育、创新教育的作用。
Through multi-media teaching method,we can stimulate the students in order to learn better.
This paper,based on the analysis of some major factors which have impacts on students’ individual differences,points out that motivation and interest are the two crucial elements for foreign language study and puts forward some strategies on how to stimulate students’ interest and cultivate group dynamic so as to improve the effe.
How to motivate poor students to learn English;
Information Technology to Motivate Secondary Vocational School Students Interest in Chinese Learning;
According to the character of the course of auto fix major and the students’ source,we use some teaching methods to motivate students’ interest in the math class,such as the emotional teaching,happy teaching,math historical data teaching,major requirement,etc.
In biochemistry teaching,to arouse students' enthusiasm,to raise study efficiency,we should pay attention to kindling interests,enlightening thinking,improving their study methods.
在生化教学中 ,注重激发兴趣 ,启迪思维 ,改进学习方法 ,增进记忆 ,可充分调动学习积极性 ,提高学习效率。
In accordance to the features in the Pathology Domestic Animal,the teachers took advantage of some different teaching methods such as respecting the dominant sense of the students,theory connected with practice,using a lot of teaching skills and reforming the examinational ways to arouse the students interest in the course of Pathology Domestic Animal.
Interest is a key and basis that students suc ceed,so we should arouse a nd cultivate students learning interest to the course of ecenomic math.
努力激发与培养学生学习经济数学这门重点课程的浓厚兴趣 ,探讨激发与培养的途径和方法对于该课程的教学是十分有益的 ,其途径和方法也多种多
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