By using two partial molar Gibbs energies or their remainder of any two components in a multicomponent metallurgical solution, the partial molar Gibbs energies of all the other components in the solution and its molar Gibbs energy are calculated.
Gibbs Ensemble Simulates Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Fluids;
This article points out a misconception in physical chemistry “the value of Gibbs function is equal when Binary System of pure substance is in phase balance”.
Starting from isothermal equation and Gibbs function, the paper discussed the simulanttes of gas-liquid phase transformation and phase transformation of superconducting state,middle state and normal state of type I superconductor after considering geometrical effects.
The method regards the power of MUSIC spectrum function as target distribution up to a constant of proportionality, and uses Gibbs sample, one of the most popular Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique, to sample from it.
将马尔可夫蒙特卡罗方法与MUSIC方法估计相结合,提出一种基于吉布斯抽样的频率-方位联合估计新方法(MUSIC FREQ-DOA joint Estimator Based on Gibbs Sampling,简称Gibbs-MUSIC)。
The method regards the power of MUSIC spectrum function as target distribution up to a constant of proportionality,and uses Gibbs sample,one of the most popular MCMC technique,to sample from it.
Then we do the Gibbs sampling to estimate the unknown parameters of stochastic processing time.
Then SPA techniques based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC) approach were studied,and Gibbs sampling was used to estimate setup errors.
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