Development of Mental Addition Ability and Mental Subtraction Ability from First Graders to Fourth Graders in Elementary School;
The identification precision of multi-spectrum signal can be improved by changing multi-spectrum signal into singleness-spectrum signal with subtraction.
The algorithms of basic operations for large integer,addition,subtraction and comparison,are presented based on mixed radix representation,the algorithms of multiplication,division,modulo,and greatest common divisor are conveyed from addition machins.
The last step is that calculate the contents of SiO2 by subtraction method.
The last step was calculating the content of SiO2 by subtraction method.
BOF end-point temperature prediction model of fuzzy neural network system with subtractive clustering;
Design of hierarchical fuzzy systems based on subtractive clustering and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems;
An integrated method was proposed by combining subtractive clustering and fuzzy C-means (FCM) clustering algorithms.
在织物客观评估的基础上,提出了基于减法聚类与模糊C 均值(FCM)聚类的集成方法用于纺织品质量评估分析。
In the process of reserve evaluation by SEC criteria,when successive subtraction method being applied, the major focuses are the determination of ratio of variable cost to fixed cost, the careful selection of successive decreasing model and reasonable determination of decline rate; when volumetric method being applied, the major focuses exactly grasp the differences between S.
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