A qualitative difference between the fragmentation dynamics of quarks and gluons;
We obtain analytic expression for gluon distribution function from Altarelli-Parisi equation by means of the inverse Mellin transformation method in a reasonable approximation.
The non\|perturbative effect of gluons in a bound state is assumed to be simulated by the massive constituent gluons, and then the general wave functions of the usual J P=1 - mesons are constructed to be a superposition of a qq state and qqg state through an analysis of the Lorentz\|group and the SU (N c ) color group representations.
在假定有质量的组分胶子是介子的构成子之一的基础上, 根据 Lorentz 群与 S U( Nc) 色群的分析,构造了基态 J P= 1- 介子的波函数, 分析了基态1- 介子中 ρ±、κ±、ρ0 、ω和 ф介子的磁矩与自旋结构(即夸克、反夸克与组分胶子对介子自旋的贡献)。
We propose that the Pomeron is a Regge trajectory of tensor glueballs with the lightest member having a mass in the 2.
2 Ge V、量子数为 IGJPC=0 + 2 + +的张量胶子球的雷其轨迹 。
One of them, the f2(2 220) meson, can have a predominant glueball component.
它们其中之一f2(2 220)介子可能包含着最大的胶子球成分。
Our study not only reproduces the Pomeron-nucleon coupling from QCD but also clearly shows the gluonic origin and glueball nature of Pomeron.
The upgrade at JLab of the continuous electron beam accelerator facility to 12GeV was based on the requirements for research on gluonic excitations and the origin of quark confinement, how nucleons are built up from quarks and gluons, the structure of nuclei, and new physics.
驱动美国托马斯杰斐逊国家加速器装置(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility,简称JLab)的能量升级到12GeV的科学是研究胶子激发和色禁闭的起因,研究原子核的构件核子是如何由夸克和胶子构成的,研究原子核的结构及寻找新物理等的一门科学。
A Monte Carlo study on the dynamical fluctuations inside quark and gluon jets;
The identification of quark and gluon jets produced in e +e -collisions using the artificial neural network method is addressed.
为了将人工神经网络用于高能物理中对喷注的分类识别 ,用从高能正负电子对撞的蒙特卡洛模拟中得到的不对称三喷注事件中的夸克喷注和胶子喷注的平均多重数、平均横动量和两类喷注所对的夹角的平均值作为输入BP神经网络的 3个特征参量 ,对 2 。
A new physical quantity——hardness is defined, and the hardness distributions of quark and gluon jets are calculated.
用b标记方法辨别 ,得到夸克喷注和胶子喷注 。
A new method to investigate the gluon condensate is brought forward.
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