As applications, these results are applied to positive definite matrice, n-dimensional cuboid and simplex.
并将此结果用于正定矩阵 ,n维长方体及单形 。
Parameter Design for n Asymmetric Loss Function;
Wood inequality on the n-dimensional Simplex in E~n are obtained,employing the theory of majorization:2NN-1≤∑Ni=1a_i~2∑Ni=1a_i∑Ni<ka_k≤2nn-1,Here,a_i i=1,…,N;N=n(n+1)2 are edge-lengths of the simplex.
Here, a ii=1,…,N;N=n(n+1)2 are edgelengths of the simplex, d is a nonnegative real number, s=1n∑Ni=1a i.
利用优超理论将平面上关于三角形的纳斯必特彼得洛维奇不等式推广到 n维欧几里得空间中的 n维单形上 ,得到N 2n( N -1 ) d+nN ≤∑Nk=1sd+ak∑Ni=1,i≠ kak≤ N -nn +nn-1 ( d+1 ) ,式中 ai i=1 ,… ,N ;N =n( n+1 )2 为 n维单形 ∑A的棱长 ,d为任一非负实数 ,s=1n∑Ni=1a
Study on N-dimensional Array Access Structure;
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