For any Q-matrix,we obtain the sufficient and necessary conditions for exis-tence and uniqueness of recurrent Q process.
Feller solved the problem about existence of Q process,and constructed one mininal Q process-f(t).
Feller解决了Q过程存在性问题 ,且构造了一个最小Q过程 f(t) 。
Feller has solved the problem about the existence of Q process and constructed one minimal Q process- f(t).
The Q-process for Strong-Conservative-Transition-Matrix and the solution of Q-process for Birth and Death Process;
A necessary and sufficient condition for embedding Qprocesses into stochastic processes on permutation groups is obtained by the representation theory and the standard Q-process theory,which extends corresponding result of [3].
Shows how to construct the coupling operator of a continuous-time Q-processes(X(t),Z(t)) with Markovian Switching,parameter structure of X(t) are under the control of the Markov chain Z(t) with finite states.
For any Q-matrix,we obtain the sufficient and necessary conditions for exis-tence and uniqueness of recurrent Q process.
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