Let T be any countable dense subset of the irrational, it can be arranged that T be an orbit of _η and that every e≠∈_η move every point in T.
自由群Fη(1<η≤ 0)在有理数集Q上有一个高可迁表示,若T是无理数集上的一个任意可数稠[密]子集,则可使得T是^Fη的一个轨道且对任意e≠ w^∈^Fη变换T中的每一个点。
All Quarter-stratifiable spaces have a σ-closed-discrete dense subset if this space is second category and paracompact.
Study anf analyze the equipment corrosion of normal and diminished pressure installation used to process thick oil of Kelamayi Petroleum Chemical Plant;
Study on subsurface-flow wetland system for treating thick oil produced water;
Because T2 spectra of thick oil are shorter and can rich the range of bound fluids, nuclear magnetic resonance logging in thick oil zones appears abnormally high bound water saturation and low permeability.
Apparent viscosity of water-in-heavy crude oil emulsion;
Analysis of the gray correlation entropy of viscosity to chemical components in heavy crude oil dispersion system;
Analysis of grey correlation entropy about the chemical composition influencing viscosity of heavy crude oil;
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